Huddersfield Horizon SCITT

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Strategic Partnership 

The SCITT strategic partnership is formed by the Accounting officer, Head of Early Teacher development, headteachers & Principals, Professional Mentors and Subject Mentors.

The Chair of the HHSCITT strategic partnership is Mrs Claire Geisler, Head of Early Teacher Development. 

Any correspondence for the attention of the strategic partnership, should be sent to:

HHSCITT, South Pennine Academies Business & Training Centre, Lowfields Close, Lowfields Business Park, Elland, HX5 9DX


Our 2024/2025 strategic partnership members

  • Lynda Johnson - South Pennine Academies CEO & Accounting officer)
  • Claire Geisler - Head of Early Teacher Development
  • Sarah Cunningham - Deputy Head of Early Teacher Development
  • Sylvie Jacquemart - Moor End Academy
  • Adrian Answer - Waterhead Academy
  • Davina Otterburn - Park Lane Academy
  • Richard Batley - Batley Grammar 
  • Rachel Shearer - Honley High School
  • Shanna Barbar - Salendine Nook high School
  • Debbie Kelly - Beaumont Primary Academy
  • Emma Walsh - Dalton Primary School
  • Naz Ismail - Hillside Primary School
  • Tim Roach - Greenacres Primary Academy
  • Richard Coates - Kirkheaton Primary School
  • Angela Inns - Brambles Primary Academy
  • Louise Hayes - Willowpark Primary Academy
  • Catherine Sharpe - Woodlands primary Academy


HHSCITT strategic partnership terms of reference

  • To develop the strategic development of the collaborative partnership between the SCITT, partner schools and the HEI
  • Monitor the progress and achievements of the partnership at a high level, through the receipt of management information related to trainee achievement and other performance indicators.
  • Be responsible for ensuring that the programme meets the statutory requirements relating to ITT.
  • Be responsible for ensuring that the trainee and the host school are compliant in meeting the statutory requirements relating to ITT.
  • Be responsible to evaluating the evidence and making a decision on whether a school should be deselected as part of the partnership.
  • Consider and approve the marketing and promotional activity schedules for teh forthcoming academic year.
  • Be key decision makers in the financial expenditure of the SCITT
  • Exercise its duty of care with due diligence.
  • Be responsible for the development, management and implementation of all policies and procedures for the SCITT.
  • Quality assure the provision, trainee provision, finance and recruitment to ensure that the partnership is compliant. 
  • Monitor changes to staffing and other support requirements including the support provided to the new and existing staff, through the approval of a programme of staff development for the forthcoming academic year.


Quality assurance committee

The quality assurance committee will report to the strategic partnership. The committee comprises of primary and secondary colleagues from across the partnership schools and includes trainee representatives from both phases.

The committee focus is the assessment and progress of trainees, the provision of the partnership and the recruitment & selection processes.


Quality assurance committee terms of reference

  • To monitor the selection and recruitment procedures and identify areas of improvement to ensure that the accurate numbers are recruited to satisfy the partnership demand.
  • To monitor the quality of the provision ensuring that it is outstanding in order to lead to outstanding outcomes for our trainees.
  • To quality assure the assessment judgements made on trainees in order to standardise the assessment procedures and ensure consistency across the provision.
  • To report to the steering group on the evaluations made from the analysed data.